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China Tea Honors the Classics of Lapsang Souchong

Time : 2025-01-02

As recorded in documents, Lapsang Souchong is the originator of the world black teas. It is produced in the area of Wuyi shan, the northern part of Fujian Province, China. This type of tea is worldwidely known for its distinct smokey scent, owning to its special smoke-roasting process during tea making. The tea soup of Lapsang Souchong typically has a strong fragrance, mellow taste and sweet aftertaste. It is also recognized by possessing a taste of longan. Traditionally, a unique process called pine smoke roasting, which is a fumigation method by burning a special local pine wood to scent the tea. It is a very important and unique step in the entire production process of making Lapsang Souchong. Hence, the authentic Lapsang Souchong could be felt in every sip of its trademark feature of pine smoke aroma. 

Tasting lapsang Souchong, every single bite can feel its history.The export of Lapsang Souchong can be traced back to the 17th century, around the time of late Ming dynasty. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Lapsang Souchong was shipped into Europe for the first time, and rapidly became a favorite of European royalty and nobility due to its unique rich flavor and characteristic smoky mouthfeel in aftertaste.  

Xiamen Tea Import & Export Co. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Tea Co., Ltd., has been committed to inheriting classic flavors and demonstrating high-quality Chinese Tea to tea consumers and connoisseurs both domestically and globally. Established in 1954, China Tea (Xiamen) has been one of the most famous tea exporters of Fujian province as well as in China. The exquisite packaged Souchong black tea produced and distributed by China Tea (Xiamen) , with strict and careful tea leaves sourcing and quality control, would find its great option as an ideal gift for families and friends.


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